F E A T U R E D W O R K S |
NEW VAISIGANO BRIDGE COMMENCEMENT -18/05/18 | COMPLETION - 31/05/20 Samoa is going through developments that has slowly changing it's overall appearance. Our recently completed Vaisigano Bridge which demarcates this particular side of Apia is a must to see. Here at Cabella Pacific Construction Samoa Ltd, we are so thankful to be part of another Clinical Achievement by our beloved Country. |
THE PACIFIC CILMATE CHANGE CENTER COMMENCEMENT - 16/05/18 | COMPLETION - 29/07/19 The first of its kind in the Pacific, Cabella Pacific Construction Samoa was humbled to be given the opportunity to construct this High Tech building made of solid concrete all over. Another greatest performace by the Team and a big thanks for pulling through another outstanding achievement. |
MCDONALD'S APIA [COMMENCEMENT-02/10/17 COMPLETION - 31/09/19] Cabella Pacific Construction Samoa was grateful to be given the opportunity in re-shaping one of the World's leading global food service retailer outlets here in Samoa. Mcdonald's are setting Global Uniformity Standards in terms of modernized design. |
S N P F P L A Z A COMMENCEMENT-05/01/11 | COMPLETION-24/11/12 Ca'Bella Pacific Construction Samoa was awarded the job of building Apia's hottest retail venue in January 2011. This iconic Design and Build Project has rather grandely come to an end. The likes of this building is like nothing that has been built in Samoa before, in terms of its general athestics and high building standards. |
REFURBISHMENTS TO OLD ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - MOTO'OTUA COMMENCEMENT -28/11/19 | COMPLETION - 11/12/19 The Project was completed with a heavy heart during its course. Amidst its term, the boys worked tirelessly to have it ready by the duration expected of us. This is one of our Historical Achievements that will always reminds us of the Epidemic that hit Samoa. A Big Thank You to the "MAN" UP ABOVE for his guidance in seeing us through with this project. |